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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 8

Naslov:Sexual deviance : theory, assessment, and treatment / edited by D. Richard Laws, William O'Donohue
Impresum:New York : Guilford Press , cop. 1997
Materijalni opis:514 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:seksualne devijacije * parafilije * egzibicionizam * fetišizam * frotteurism * pedofilija * sadizam * mazohizam * transvetizam * voajerstvo * silovanje * teorija * procjena * tretman
Sažetak:Introduction: Fundamental issues in sexual deviance / D. Richard Laws and William O'Donohue * Exhibitionism: Psychopathology and theory / William D. Murphy * Exhibitionism: Assessment and treatment / Barry M. Maletzky * Fetishism: Psychopathology and theory / Fiona L. Mason * Fetishism: Assessment and treatment / John Junginger * Frotteurism: The theory of courtship disorder / Kurt Freund, Michael C. Seto and Michael Kuban * Frotteurism: Assessment and treatment / Richard B. Krueger and Meg S. Kaplan * Pedophilia: Psychopathology and theory / W. L. Marshall * Pedophilia: Assessment and treatment / Howard E. Barbaree and Michael C. Seto * Sexual sadism: Psychopathology and theory / Stephen J. Hucker * Sexual sadism: Assessment and treatment / Clive R. Hollin * Sexual masochism: Deviance without pathology / Roy F. Baumeister and Jennifer L. Butler * Sexual masochism: Assessment and treatment / David Thornton and Ruth Mann * Transvestic fetishism: Psychopathology and theory / Kenneth J. Zucker and Ray Blanchard * Transvestic fetishism: Assessment and treatment / Gwen Adshead * Voyeurism: Psychopathology and theory / Meg S. Kaplan and Richard B. Krueger * Voyeurism: Assessment and treatment / R. Karl Hanson and Andrew J. R. Harris * Rape: Psychopathology and theory / Stephen M. Hudson and Tony Ward * Rape: Assessment and treatment / Tony Ward, Julie McCormack, Stephen M. Hudson and Devon Polaschek * Paraphilia not otherwise specified: Psychopathology and theory / Joel S. Milner and Cynthia A. Dopke * Paraphilia not otherwise specified: Assessment and treatment / Paul A. Schewe * Medical models of sexual deviance / Don Grubin and Debbie Mason * Medical interventions in sexual deviance / John Bradford * Sexual deviance in females / John A. Hunter and Ruth Mathews Future directions / Stephen M. Hudson and Tony Ward
APA CC:3230 2980
Ostali autori / urednici:Laws, D. Richard ; O'Donohue, William
Signatura:3230 97 SEX
Inventarni broj:9389
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Identities : race, class, gender, and nationality / edited by Linda Martín Alcoff and Eduardo Mendieta
Impresum:Malden, MA : Blackwell , 2003
Materijalni opis:xv, 428 str. ; 25 cm
Napomena:Bibliografija i bilješke iza pojedinih poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:grupni identitet * etnicitet * rasa * rodni identitet * nacionalnost -- karakteristike
Sažetak:Introduction: Identities: modern and postmodern / Linda Martin Alcoff. -Part I: Foundations : 1. Independence and dependence of self-consciousness / G. W. F. Hegel ; 2. On the Jewish question / Karl Marx ; 3. Consciousness and what is unconscious / Sigmund Freud ; 4. The self / George Herbert Mead. -Part II: Race/ehhnicity/ethnorace : 5. The conservation of races / W. E. B. Du Bois ; 6. The new negro / Alain Locke ; 7. Identity and dignity in the context of the national liberation struggle / Amilcr Cabral ; 8. The fact of blackness / Frantz Fanon ; 9. ehiteness as property / Cheryl I. Harris ; 10. New ethnicities / Stuart Hall ; 11. The Latino imaginary: eanings of community and identity / Juan Flores. -Part III: Class and identity : 12. Class consciousness / Georg Lukacs ; 13. Class consciousness in history / E. J. Hobsbawm ; 14. Preface from 'The making of th English working class' / E. P. Thompson ; 15. Introduction form 'Elementary aspects of peasant insurgency in colonial India' / Ranajit Guha. -Part IV: Gender/sexnality : 16. Introduction form 'The second sex' / Simone de Beauvoir ; 17. One is not born a woman / Monique Wittig ; 18. Throwing like a girl: a phenomenology of feminine body comportment, motility, and spatiality / Iris Marin Young ; 19. Mapping the margins: intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color / Kimberlé Crenshaw ; 20. Gender trouble, feminist theory, and posychoanalytic descourse / Judith Butler ; 21. Revolutions, universals, and sexual categories / John Boswell ; 22. Sex before sexuality: pederasty, politics, and power in Classical Athens / David M. Halperin ; 23. Sexual indifference and lesbian representation / Teresa de Lauretis ; 24. Transsexual doscourses and languages of identification / Jason Cromwell. -Part V: National/transnational identities : 25. National identity and citizenship / Ross Poole ; 26. On the making of transnatinal identities in the age of globalization: The US Latina/op-"Latin" American case / Daniel Mato ; 27. Globalization as a problem / Ronald Robertson ; 28. Postcoloniality and the boundaries of identity / R. Radhakrishnan. -part Vi. Reconfigurations : 29. The clash of definitions / Edward W. Said ; 30. Cultural citizenship, inequality, and multiculturalism / Renato Rosaldo ; 31. Localism, globalism and cultural identity / Mike Featherstone ; 32. Universalism, particularism and the question of identity / Ernesto Laclau ; 33. A menifesto for cyborgs: science, technology, and socialist feminism in the 1980s / Donna Harraway ; 34. The epistemic status fo cultural identity / Satya P. Mohanty. -Afterword: Identities: postcolonial and global / Eduardo Mendieta
UDK:316.7(082) * 159.9 * 305 * 82.0
Ostali autori / urednici:Alcoff, Linda ; Mendieta, Eduardo
Signatura:316.7(08) IDEN
Inventarni broj:III-3201
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Critical self-fashioning : Stephen Greenblatt and the New Historicism / Jürgen Pieters (ed.)
Impresum:Frankfurt am Main [etc.] : Peter Lang , cop. 1999
Materijalni opis:240 str. ; 21 cm
Napomena:Zastupljeni autori: Greenblatt S. ; Rigney A. ; Lie N. ; Laden S. ; Franssen P. ; Dijkhuizen J. F.van ; Schalkwyk D. ; Harris J. G. ; Biebuyck B. ; Geldof K. ; Veenstra J. R.
Ključne riječi:novi historicizam * povijest * književnost * književna povijest * Kralj Lear * socijalna patologija * Girard R. * Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund * Foucault, Michel * Certeau W. * srednjovjekovna kultura * kultura * srednji vijek
Sažetak:General introduction / Jürgen Pieters. -Literature and the longing for history / Ann Rigney. -The author as hymen. Fernando de Rojas' 'La Celestina' between Stephen Gilman and Michel Foucault / Nadia Lie. -Greenblattian self-fashioning and the construction of 'literary history' / Sonja Laden. -"With all my heart" : the pound of flesh and the execution of justice / Paul Franssen. -Mystical bodies. 'King Lear' and the discourse of possesion / Jan Frans ven Dijkhuizen. -"Speaking Wittgenstein all along": Stephen Greenblatt and the philosophical context of the new historicism / David Schalkwyk. -Historicizing Greenblatt's "Containment": the cold war, functionalism, and the origins of social pathology / Jonathan Gil Harris. -Greenblatt, Girard, and the recontextualization of aesthetic experience, or: what does aesthetic practice have to do with culutral theories? / Benjamin Biebuyck. -The dialectic modernity and beyond: Adorno, Foucault, Certeau, and Greenblatt in comparison / Koenraad Geldof. -Thematising social energy. The 'Bal des Ardents' and the prosuction of the demonic in medieval culture / Jan R. Veenstra
Ostali autori / urednici:Pieters, Jürgen
Signatura:82.09 CRI
Inventarni broj:2001/40
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Popular fiction : technology, ideology, production, reading / [ed. by] Tony Bennett
Impresum:London ; New York : Routledge , cop. 1990
Materijalni opis:xv, 486 str
Nakladnička cjelina:Popular fiction series
Napomena:F. - Zastupljeni autori: Williams, Raymond ; Heath, Stephen ; Ellis, John ; Anderson, Benedict ; Porter, Dennis ; McArthur, Colin ; Turner, Graeme ; Mulvey, Laura ; Place, Janey ; Kuhn, Annette ; Modleski, Tania ; Brand, Dana ; Moretti, Franco ; Ginzberg, Carlo ; Belsey, Catherine ; Tulloch, John ; Alvarado, Manuel ; Kerr, Paul ; Harris, Neil ; Rose, Jacqueline ; Bennett, Tony ; Woollacott, Janet ; Morley, David. - Str. 461: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:kultura * tehnologija * fikcija * društvo * film * ideologija * televizija * rod * feminizam * žena * seksualnost
Sažetak:I. POPULAR FICITON AND CULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES. -1.The technology and the society. -1.The technology and the society / Raymond Williams. -2. Onscreen, in frame: fim and ideology / Stephen Heath. -3. Broadcast TV as cultural form / John Ellis. -4. 'While Millicent bucked and writhed...' / Stephen Heath. -II. FICITONING THE NATION. -5. Apprehensions of time / Benedict Anderson. -6. The language of detection / Dennis Porter. -7. Scotland and cinema: the iniquity of the fathers / Colin McArthur. -8. Representing the nation / Graeme Turner. -III. PLEASURE, GENDER, SEXUALITY: FEMINIST REAPPRAISALS. -9. Afterthoughts on 'Visual pleasure and narrative cinema' inspired by 'Duel in the Sun' / Laura Mulvey. -10. Women in fim noir / Janey Place. -11. Sexual disguise and cinema / Annette Kuhn. -12. The search for tomorrow in today's soap operas / Tania Modlesky. -IV. KNOWLEDGE, POWER, IDEOLOGY: DETECTIVE FICTION. -13. From the glaneur to the detective: interpreting the city of Poe / Dana Brand. -14. Clues /Franco Moretti. -15. Morelli, Freud and Sherlock Holmes: clues and scientific method / Carlo Ginzberg. -16. Deconstructing the text: Sherlock Holmes / Catherine Belsey. -V. PRODUCTION. -17. Send-up: autorship and organization / John Tulloch and Manuel Alvarado. -18. The making of (the) MTM (show) / Paul Kerr. -19. Made in Ealing / John Ellis. -20. Out of what past? Notes on the B film noir / Paul Kerr. -VI. READING. -21. The operational aesthetic / Neil Harris. -22. Peter Pan and the commercialization of the child / Jacqueline Rose. -23. Figures of Bond / Tony Bennett and Janet Woollacott. -24. Television and gender / David Morley
Ostali autori / urednici:Bennett, Tony
Signatura:82.09 PO
Inventarni broj:08/597, 08/598, 03/246, F-1673
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Life events and illness / edited by George W. Brown, Tirril O. Harris ; foreword by David Mechanic
Impresum:New York ; London : Guilford , cop. 1989
Materijalni opis:496 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:važni životni događaji * etologija duševnih poremećaja * stres
APA CC:3200
Ostali autori / urednici:Brown, George W. ; Harris, Tirril O.
Signatura:3200 89 LIF
Inventarni broj:3439
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Naslov:Beyond poststructuralism : the speculations of theory and the experience of reading / edited by Wendell V. Harris
Impresum:University Park, PA : The Pennsylvania State University Press , cop. 1996
Materijalni opis:xiii, 445 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Literary theory
Napomena:Zastupljeni autori: Bergonzi, B. ; Holloway, J. ; Nuttall, A.D. ; Tallis, R. ; Searle, J. ; Levin, R. ; Scholes, R. ; Battersby, J. ; Bromwich, D. ; Kraft, Q. ; Fischer, M. ; Altieri, C. ; Clausen, C. ; Greene, G. ; Lefevere, A. ; Schwarz, D.R. ; Nemoianu, V. ; Nussbaum, M.. - Bibliografija: str. [435]-437 i iza pojedinih eseja
Ključne riječi:kritika * povijest * 20. stoljeće * strukturalizam * teorija književnosti * književna teorija * povijest književnosti * čitanje
Sažetak:I. THE DISABLING CONFUSION OF CURRENT LITERARY THEORY. -1. From "Splendours and Miseries of the Academy" / Bernard Bergonzi. -2. Language, realism, subjectivity, objectivity / John Holloway. -3. Adam naming the animals / Wendell V. Harris. -4.From "Shaking the concepts" / A.D. Nuttall. -5. Literature and textual intercourse / Raymond Tallis. -6. Literary theory and its discontents / John Searle. -7. The cultural materialist attack on artistic unita and the problem of ideological criticism / Richard Levin. -8. An end to hypocriticism / Robert Scholes. -II. RECAPTURING THE VALUES OF READING LITERATURE. -9. Authors and books: the return of the dead from the graveyard of theory / James Battersby. -10. Literature and theory / David Bromwich. -11. Toward a critical re-renewal: at the corner of Camus and Bloom streets / Quentin Kraft. -12. Deconstruction and the redemption of difference / Michael Fischer. -13. The purloined profession; or, How to reidealize reading for the text / Charles Altieri. -14. "National literatures" in English: toward a new paradigm / Christopher Greene. -16. On daring to teach literature. Again. / André Lefevere. -17. Signing the frame, framing the sign: multiculturalism, canonicity, pluralism, and the ethics of reding "Heart of darkness" / Daniel R. Schwarz. -18. Literery history: some roads not (yet) taken / Virgil Nemoianu. -19. The literary imagination in public life / Martha Nussbaum
Ostali autori / urednici:Harris, Wendell V.
Namjena :REF(d)
Signatura:82.0 BEY
Inventarni broj:2000/226
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Harris, David P.
Naslov:Reading Improvement Exercises for Students of English as a Second Language / David P. Harris
Impresum:Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall , 1966
Materijalni opis:x, 178 str. ; 24 cm
Ključne riječi:engleski jezik * gramatika * priručnik
Signatura:AN 802.0-5(075) HAR R
Inventarni broj:22555
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Autor(i):Harris, David
Naslov:Justifying state welfare : the new right versus the old left / David Harris ; with a foreword by David Miller
Impresum:Oxford : Basil Blackwell , 1987
Materijalni opis:IX, 181 str. ; 24 cm
Napomena:Str. VI-VIII: Foreword. - Str. 166-174: Bibliografske bilješke. - Str. 175-178: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:socijalna politika * politička sociologija * socijalna država * država blagostanja * socijalna skrb * socijalna pomoć * stara ljevica * nova desnica
Signatura:SOC 364.01 HAR j
Inventarni broj:184/89
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za sociologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/sociologija

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Harris David )
